B2B Saboteurs Unite

Black Adder

Black Adder

Love in the Time of Cholera part1

2017. október 29. - Black Adder


'After that feast, at which he was bored by the jesting of Vatinius with Nero, Lucan, and Seneca, he took part in a diatribe as to whether woman has a soul.' (Quo Vadis)

Mr Panda: My heart is jumping in my throat. 3 hours at the Desinfection Unit and I can lavish my greedy kisses on the most precious matured beauty I have ever known in our tiny B2B hide-away, where the eyes of cameras can not follow. Only in the arms of morpheus did I hope that once I get her. I know Mrs Gogolák too well. She is a stuffed shirt. As much as despising all human beings except for the BI guy, who is kept to beef up her business figures, she has been self-consistent. She believes in upbreeding only. The breed she can't stand is sales. I remember how consistently she kicked out a whole sales dept on a Friday afternoon. Flawless.

Mrs Gogolák: Those times are gone, Honey. Self-consistency was the luxury of the good old days when MRR grew on trees, and migration was the left-over on the RES smorgasboard. All I had to do was wheedle the male VP by pulling out his basic instincts and migrate RES to B2B. Income was put from one pocket to the other, no value added, but that is what VP comrades are for. To find mutual benefit. Cheers.

To Be Continued.

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